The interactive science of happiness, and some unrelated Jimmy Fallon craziness.

25 Sep

So I have recently watched a bunch of videos on Facebook, including one of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake mocking hashtags (#whichithinkisawesome #becauseihatehashtags #becausewhycantpeoplejustsaywhattheymeananymore), one of Jimmy Fallon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Stephen Merchant lip-syncing which was also pretty great, and then one about “The Science of Happiness.”

This is pretty epic (more than Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Nicki Minaj performance). Did you know that the more grateful you are, the happier you are? Watch this video, then let’s talk about that.

See, this caused me to think about the times in my life that I was the happiest. In them, there was always an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what God had given me, who He had put in my life, and where I felt like my future was going. Now I know why.

What if we all did this, say once a week? Maybe twice a month if that’s too much. Just think of someone you’re very grateful to, for starters, and write that letter. Then read it to them and watch their reaction, or if you have to, just send it. There’s your happy fix.

Once you’ve used up the obvious ones, think about the people you don’t think about, that you take for granted. Maybe you’re so used to them being there to bail you out of things, or being there to listen when you need to fuss, or being strong for you, or knowing what to say at the right time, that you just don’t think about it anymore. Those people need to hear it more than the people who actively buy you a car or get you a great birthday present. Those people are doing a consistent labor of love, and it’s not easy. So make a list of those people. Or maybe make a list of your friends and find what you’re grateful for that each of them does, and write them about it.

Just a suggestion. Jimmy Fallon will make you laugh temporarily. Thanking your best friend for being selfless, or your parents for raising you right, or your teacher for seeing in you what nobody else did — that’s got substance.

Try it and let me know how it goes. I’m curious. I’m going to do it too. I’ll blog about my experiences with it from time to time… I might even blog the letters.

Next blog: Internet trends that NEED to DIE.

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Posted by on September 25, 2013 in Uncategorized


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